Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Beer-Thirty !!

Careful what you wish for. This ol' boy could improve his fitness dramitcally by getting his own beer.

Breaking News: Since that trip across the pond, I've not been able to get Murphy's Stout off the brain. Wiht the exception of 2 places I know of who carry it on tap, you can only get a home stash from Lucas out south on 119th St. The canned version tastes nothing like the real-deal but luckily this weekend I discovered something that satisfies my cravings. Make no mistake, it's not Murphy's but has similar characteristics and unique flavor. Check with your local suds salesman to see if they stock Left Hand Brewing's Milk Stout. It's Legit.

I'm currently working on an IPA taste testing mission. Results to follow in the next couple weeks.

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