Tuesday, July 15, 2008

County Mounty

Believe this should be titled.... "Why Grown Men Love Action Heros"

This picture couldn't have hit the GSB inbox at a better time. The varmit relocation program is in full effect across the 83rd St corridor. In the last two weeks, the little dog lays claim to 2 rabbits, 1 mouse and almost her first bushytail

I know things are fixin to gear up with the hot weather as well but I've no doubt my fellow brethern across Mission Road are taking care of things. Rumor has it....someone spotted a dude with short hair running down the street wearing Ecco golf spikes carrying a loaded pellet gun in one hand and a Ping G10 driver in the other. Said he was screaming something about "3 Jacks and Tree Rats"


Coach Rut said...

My relocation program was moving sideways. Turns out I had the wrong weapons in the garage. I have upgrades on the way.

JWC said...

I love it!
Go get em RP... stack em' up like cord wood!

RP said...

Gonna make me a squirrel tail hat and rabbit slippers !!