Monday, November 30, 2009

Meat On The Table

There's not much more of a satisfying feeling than setting down to chow on something you harvested. Be it, veggies from the garden nutured from seed or fish snagged down at the pond. Last night at the Tool Shed it was deer loin from Hickory Ridge. Needless to say, based on my futile efforts during this season, it was pulled from the freezer but nonetheless.
I had 1 whole loin left from last year and decided to marinate a half for grilling and use the other half for stroganoff. Whipped up a concoction with liquid smoke, butt rub, garlic salt, black pepper, olive oil and red wine. Soaked in a trash bag (yes) for 24 hours and threw it on a hot Weber grill that roomie had stoked with lump charcoal and hickory chunks. 20 mins and 125 degrees later (overcooked venison is not tasty, use your thermometer and pull it around 120-125 and let set for 10 mins). Just mighta been the best backstrap ever fired up at the Tool Shed. Roomie and I did our best to polish off the entire 1/2 loin with the exception of a small chunk on the end which Lila taste tested (without approval) to her pleasure by the way she was licking her chops.

Deer loin with horseradish sauce and side of sausage/shrimp jambalaya

Not wanting to give up on the amazing weather, we had the fire pit goin all weekend. Great moon light and surprise visit by a special guest on Saturday. Good friends always welcome around the Tool Shed!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blue Shirt Day

Attention GSB members who plan on joining us for the annual gathering next month. Apparently you'll need to get a baby blue sweater ordered ASAP cuz that appears to be the trend !!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Opening Weekend

Touched down at the Tool Shed around 8:30 last night. Had a great weekend with the crew at Possum Walk. Didn't poke Mr. Big yet but had plenty of activity around to keep me occupied. Spent majority of my time overlooking the north bedding area and ditch on Russell's place. Hezzy and 10-Speed were able to bag theirs on Saturday morning which resulted in extra nap time for those boys. Scott the Fireman stopped by Saturday afternoon with a nice 13-pointer sporting matching stickers on each side. Great looking buck and will certainly have a place on his wall in Florida.

Let the dust settle from a busy weekend and hopefully they'll be calmed down when I head back up later this week.

Saturday morning harvest. Hezzy's appears to be related to his wall-hanger from 5 yrs ago.

Scott the Fireman with a solid 13-pointer destined for a wall in Florida

Okie watching over the boys at their 22cal. target practice

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Basic Fitness

This plays well into a conversation I had with a friend last week. If things get nasty, how confident are you in your ability to save yourself and provide assistance to those around you? How does your current fitness level stack up to those around you?

Mark Sisson has a good post comparing different standards for military, police, etc... The Daily Apple is a great blog for your rotation.

"Life shouldn’t be hard work unless you make it so. Everyday activities shouldn’t be struggles. Basic fitness should be like breathing – it should be second nature."

"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable" - OPT

Angel going heavy overhead (Catalyst Athletics)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Outta The Tool Shed

Sorry for the lack of posts, been locked down in the Tool Shed for a couple months but we're back online now. Busy time of year as we're gearing up for opening day at Possum Walk and numerous holiday parties, etc... Some updates below. Hopefully be adding some pictures of our own take after this weekend.

* I've spent the last couple weekends up in Possum Walk building stands, meat poles, scouting, watching Hezzy drink coffee and mostly enjoying being around home. Momma Jill cooked up a batch of ham/beans that I'm still thinking about. Opening day is this Saturday 14th and I'm hoping that 10 point bruiser I spotted on Halloween is still checking scrapes at 5pm this Saturday. Been looking at this picture daily since then. Cuz Tanner bagged himself one during youth season.

South Luke's Place. Bruiser was checking scrape runs and sporting 10pt headgear

Cuz's 9pt. Halloween beauty

* Rocket alumni Dave Fast is a member of the Midwest Whitetail Pro Team. Check out their website for some great tips, videos and discussion.

* GSB Sails from the Amourdale Chapter has officially taken over one of the guest rooms in the Tool Shed. He's handy as hell to have around, came with another black dog for the kennel and will cook up the meanest road-kill BBQ you've ever tasted.

"Soupy" Sails

* The current Tool Shed location is for sale so HQ will be moving this winter if things go well. New place is sure to have some combination of; buried school bus, artillery, flags, drawbridge, canned goods, shooting range and flood lighting.

* Worked in a couple runs this fall with our Bootcamp crew. Royals 5K Run for charity with Shumway, HC and Coach. Kansas City Half Marathon with HC and TP.

RP, Shumway, HC, Coach / Royals 5K Run

* GSB Holiday Sit Down in scheduled for Thursday December 17th. Invites went out today with details. 10th Anniversary so we're expecting a big turnout !!