Saturday, January 31, 2009

HFCS (High Fructose Corn Shiz)

"This study appears to be based on outdated information of dubious significance," said Audrae Erickson, president of the Corn Refiners Association, in a statement. "Our industry has used mercury-free versions of the two re-agents mentioned in the study, hydrochloric acid and caustic soda, for several years. These mercury-free re-agents perform important functions, including adjusting pH balances." ......Washington Post link

Setting around the Shed this morning drinking a cup of KC's finest Roasterie and watching my friends on FNC. Heard this story about products containing High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) made with mercury. I'm sure by now most people have seen that rediculous commercial sponsered by the Corn Refiners Assoc where 1 brother is convincing the other one that HFCS is not bad for you..."same nutritional value as sugar"... Great !!! That's wonderful news...hold on...what exactly is the nutritional value of sugar and why would I want to eat something equivalant that also contains traces of mercury?? Do yourself and family a big favor and get rid of that shit immediately. If products in your house contain sugar and HFCS, there's an alternative, you just need to read the labels. Remember the more processed, the more crap it contains. As Dr. Ashton a frequent guest on FNC says "Eat from the farm not the factory".

Enjoy the weekend, I'm off to watch to the 160lb. BAMF from Ensley Lane get his biznass done on the mat. RP

Friday, January 30, 2009

But...Isn't Fat Bad For You?

Gathering family around the dining room table is becoming an exception rather than the rule. Growing up there wasn't an option, we all sat down and discussed the days events; good, bad or otherwise. If you have troops all over the compound, try to round them up starting at least 1 night a week and see what happens. You'll be amazed what you hear and how much better you feel afterwards. The kids need to learn the ropes as well, get them involved at an early age with shopping, prepping, cooking, serving and doing the dishes which is another lost art. Give the dishwasher a break, someone grab the dish rag and everyone get a drying towel and practice your TEAMWORK.

Snippet from Jen McLagan's book on FAT. I get this quesiton from students quite often because it's beat into people by the media, ADA, government and other interest groups that FAT is bad. There are bad fats out there but educate yourself on what IS and ISN'T . _ RP Click here for rest of article

" It's also how we relate to our food. We consume large portions of prepared foods, huge portions. Food is relatively cheap: We spend less than 10 percent of our income on it. Consequently, we don't value it. Many see it simply as fuel or a medicine, not a pleasure. Because people have become so disconnected from their food, they fear it and continually break it down into good and bad elements.
There's also a widespread myth that making food from scratch takes too much time and is expensive. It may not always be quicker, but it is better for you and cheaper when all the costs are considered.

If we cooked our food, sat down at a table with friends and family and enjoyed eating it, we would be healthier, happier and probably thinner. "

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vegans Need Not Apply

Tough to beat some good ol' red meat cooked to the correct temp. Usually grill it up but decided to use a new cast iron skillet that Santa dropped off. Side of sweet-tater scuffle, broccoli and glass of red vino. Eat Time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Beer-Thirty !!

Careful what you wish for. This ol' boy could improve his fitness dramitcally by getting his own beer.

Breaking News: Since that trip across the pond, I've not been able to get Murphy's Stout off the brain. Wiht the exception of 2 places I know of who carry it on tap, you can only get a home stash from Lucas out south on 119th St. The canned version tastes nothing like the real-deal but luckily this weekend I discovered something that satisfies my cravings. Make no mistake, it's not Murphy's but has similar characteristics and unique flavor. Check with your local suds salesman to see if they stock Left Hand Brewing's Milk Stout. It's Legit.

I'm currently working on an IPA taste testing mission. Results to follow in the next couple weeks.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bowl O' Goodies

I get a couple extra ZZZZ's on Saturday mornings combined with the fact it's a rest day (5 on / 2 off), I typically change up my morning fueling. Usually post-Bootcamp meal at 0700 hrs consists of eggs, meat, veggies, milk, sweet taters but rest days I like me some jacked up oatmeal.

McCann's has a quick cook version that's great for 3min oatmeal. Fire it up and when the bell dings and it's flammin hot, throw in some yogurt, berries and scoop of protien powder and it's Eat Time.

Check out the Eat Time DVD masterminded by Coach Rut and Wolfman. Great tips on shopping, prep'ing, cooking, etc...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's Gotta Be The Shoes

New weightlifting kicks arrived from Rogue Fitness yesterday. These Do-Win's are mean mothers!! Laced them up and headed straight for the Tool Shed to grab a bar. Great stability and comfort. Love 'em !!

Happy weekend to all !!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How Would You Like Your Eggs?

One word....LEGIT !! For those of you like me who can't pull themselves to visit the local foot grinder, here's the solution. I've seen the Egg advertised on TV and checked out the fliers in the Sunday morning fish wrap but this week I was cruising CVS and there it was. I couldn't resist and now I wish I'd done it sooner.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Greetings. Checked outta the Tool Shed for an extended vacation but back now and refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Years filled with plenty of good meat and veg. Threw down some yard bird and sea horses Italian style for Christmas dinner on Linden followed up by whole beef loin in the Ville and finished the year off with a big ol' filet before mid-night and was out before the ball dropped. Not the most exciting dude to hang with on 12/31 but it sure felt good rolling to BCF the morning of 1/1 and knowing I got a jump on those hacks sleeping in. Like RC says "you can't birdie them all if you don't birdie the first"

Cruising around yesterday I stumbled on this blog from former KC Chief John Welbourn. Some great posts on nutrition and other general good shiz. RP

My kind of pyramid