Friday, August 29, 2008

Food Coma

GSB Liberty Chapter President (aka Gilligan) circa 2003 Las Vegas

Of all the changes I've made strength and health wise over the last year nothing either compares or would have been possible without a change in nutrition. The ability to know how and what food affects your being is invaluable and the first step to becoming and living healthy.

Until I discovered the Paleo way to fuel myself, I constantly battled blood glucose fluctuations. Effects ranged from decreased post-meal productivity to full on shut-down mode depending on the amount of type of carbs I was eating. Mood swings and slowed mental processing are also common. Speaking from first hand experience, this not only affects your personal and professional life but also dramatically increases your risk of CV diseases and long term health. Pick up a copy of The Paleo Diet (link above or any bookstore) by Dr. Loren Cordain. You'll never view food the same again.

Check out this short summary from Oregon State on the Glycemic Load and Index. Great introduction to how blood glucose levels are measured and what effect they have. Link courtesy of the Big Apple Box.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Across The Pond

T-minus 20 days and counting until we go wheels up for the old country. Trip will consist of 8 good friends playing 11 rounds of golf over 9 days, drinking our share of Guinness and creating memories to last a life time.

In order to obtain tee times at high demand courses, we started the planning in July 2007 and had the deal locked down by mid-September. Golf International based in NYC was our agent of choice based on recommendations from fellow GSB's that've been on similar trips. Below is a quick view of our intinerary. Promise to bring back many pics and vid's to share.

Depart US

Arrive Shannon / Play Old Head
Play Old Head / Drive to Killarney
Play Tralee (36 holes)
Play Waterville
Play Ring of Kerry / Drive to Ballybunnion
Play Ballybunnion Old Course
Play Ballybunnion Cashen Course / Drive to Lahinch
Play Doonbeg
Play Lahinch Old Course (36 holes)
Depart Shannon

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ahab The Arab

We just put GSB Tim's new Crackberry with camera option to work...Ol' boy Ray Stevens couldn't have envisioned this in 1962. You know it's good when the captions are too numerous to list. Insert your own.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sweet Tater Scuffle

How many miles did your meal travel before it reached your plate? There are endless causes to champion and I make it a point not to grandstand any 1 view point or personal opinion. Something I do feel strongly about is the ablility and knowledge to understand where your food originates and the path it takes before reaching your kitchen.

I'm not a fanatic when it comes to eating locally but I do make an effort to reduce the total mileage on my plate. Needless to say, coconut oil, coffee, etc... are difficlut to source locally for some of us but a few exceptions are tolerable.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an effort to reduce that overall foot print. Check into your local CSA's for more information on weekly produce bags, quarterly meat purchases, etc...
This picture was from todays breakfast. With the exception of coconut oil, the entire meal came from either my garden or a farm within a 100 miles.